Kiyanu Kim | Top Tips on How to Make My Own Beats at Home

Kiyanu Kim | You need not be a gifted musician or a rapper just to start composing your own music. Actually, you don’t need to be very experienced in composing your own music, but you do need to be interested in the art of composing your own music. If you would like to know – ‘how do I make my own beats?’ I would suggest making beats using a freestyle method.

My Own Beats at Home
My Own Beats at Home

There are no such rules that need to be followed if you would like to compose great music. You need not limit yourself in any way. It is rather advisable to allow your creative genius to flow, as that would give you an outlet to unleash your creative genius.

Kiyanu Kim | I usually make my own beats and then make my family members or friends listen to them. Please don’t be discouraged in case you get a negative feedback. Instead, start working on their suggestions and fix the beats. Compare the beats made by you previously with the beats amended right now. Take some time before you decide on the beats to be kept and the beats that need to be scrapped. If you love techno beats, you can listen to Price, Nirvana or Bob Dylan. Their music would help you to understand beat construction. You need not steal or copy their music, but you can add similar musical elements into your work. Use their tempo, intensity, sequence and pitch as inspiration for your work.

Kiyanu Kim | After following their style for a few days, you would be able to compose beats by following your own unique style. Please don’t limit yourself to a few choices. Make varied music beats ranging from hip-hop to techno, jazz, or a combination of two types of music. As long as your beats can engage your audience, they will do well. These beats are often referred to as emotional beats.

Today, there are a number of musicians who find it very difficult to conclude their songs as they feel they do not have good beats or are unable to create them, leading to some mediocre music.

I usually follow a few simple tricks if I make my own beats. You can also try out the same.

• Start downloading royalty free beats in order to spice up your beats: There are a significant number of royalty free beats in the market. You can make use of these free beats, record lyrics, and also add them to the songs created by you. Add sounds in a way that both of them compliment each other. Make use of beats that inspire your creativity. You can also use beats in order to record background tracks, film or television programs, or educational programs as well. In case you would like to use commercial beats in your composition, you need to license them, and remember, you would then be required to cough up a hefty amount.

• In case you need beats and at the same time would like to save money, you can go in for a music sequencer.

Kiyanu Kim | Four Super Ideas For How to Play Guitar Songs

Kiyanu Kim | People always say they want to learn to shred real guitars the way they play the game guitar hero. It’s a long road, but with practice, perseverance, and patience anyone can learn how to play guitar songs. There are actually a lot of different methods available to choose from to develop your guitar playing skills. Here are four super ideas for how to play guitar songs.

Play Guitar for Beginners
Play Guitar for Beginners

1. Take formal guitar lessons

Kiyanu Kim | This is perhaps the most tested method of learning how to play guitar songs. This strategy has been employed since the very first guitar was invented. Formal guitar lessons are one-on-one sessions directed by a professional guitar teacher. Typically a guitar learning lesson plan is employed where the teacher demonstrates exercises, and the student attempts to duplicate. They then go home and practice, practice, practice. This is a great method for people who like discipline, or have lofty guitar playing goals.

2. Learn to play by ear

Kiyanu Kim | A lot of musicians learned how to play guitar songs with this tried and true method. To learn to play by ear, you simply listen to a sequence of guitar music, and try to play it. It is usually most effective to attempt shorter sequences; maybe one or two bars, when first getting started. Once you can play simple guitar riffs, you can move on to more challenging ones, and over time you’ll build up the skills to even play entire guitar songs.

3. Teach yourself to play the guitar

Kiyanu Kim | This strategy kind of combines the first two methods. When you teach yourself to play guitar, the lessons are self-directed. Self-taught individuals often learn from books, DVD’s, or videos. This learning method can be very effective for people who have some basic music theory knowledge, can play other instruments, or have a natural affinity for playing guitar. If you want to teach yourself how to play guitar songs, head on over to the library, or surf the internet for some guitar playing resources to get started.

4. Scope out YouTube

Kiyanu Kim | Most people are very visual learners. That’s one reason watching videos on YouTube can be a very effective method to learn to play guitar songs. There are literally hundreds of videos listed by song with very detailed instructional materials. These videos are usually prepared by guitar teachers, and they show you step by step how to play these songs. Why not head on over there right now, and look up your favorite song? Just type the name of the guitar song you want to play followed by “guitar lesson.”

Kiyanu Kim | What Do You Need to Know About Bass Guitar Pick-ups?

Kiyanu Kim | Bass pick-ups are devices that transmit the vibrations produced by your string to the sound system. It is the second most important part of your bass guitar-next to the strings. Without it, forget about playing with your band in a music hall, or even concerts. To get the idea of how to bass guitar works and what do you want to choose, read on.

Guitar Pick-ups
Guitar Pick-ups


Kiyanu Kim | When you pluck your bass guitar string, the vibration produced affects the magnetic field within the pick-up. These small and varying magnetic flux thread around the coil inside them. This process will produce small electrical volts in the coils which in turn will get amplified and turned into sounds through the speaker. You need to remember that they are magnetic. So, be careful when cleaning them. Do not put liquid on them because they cannot deal with it. Instead, use a cotton swab.

Kiyanu Kim | There are two types: a passive and an active one. The first versions of electric bass guitars used passive bass pick-ups. If you are listening to old rock or Motown sound, that’s passive pick-up you are hearing. They have a round and punchy tone on them. These devices have big magnetic coils inside-absorbing more noise as compared with active pick-ups. Active pick-ups are battery operated. They have a clear and crisp sound. You can cut or boost the treble and bass of your guitar-depending on your need-because they have pre-amplifiers. This is something that a passive bass guitar doesn’t have-better frequency control.

Kiyanu Kim | There are many designs depending on the number of the coils inside. A single coil pick-up has only one coil wrapped around the magnet. Single coils have clean and clear sound quality. Static signals coming from radios or PC can affect the sound of your single coils-producing a humming/buzzing noise. You may also hear the same hum noise when you turn the amplifier at a higher volume. Dual-coil/DC or humbucker pick-ups literally cancel out the hum. Humbuckers are essentially two coils wrap together and wounded on opposite direction-thus, the noise canceling property. They have more thick tonal quality than the single coils. As the name indicates, soap bar pick-ups are distinguishable because of its housing. The Gibson P-90 is the first soapbar pick-up. Most soapbars are humbucking.

Kiyanu Kim | How to Become a Rock Songwriter

Kiyanu Kim | I certainly believe that you admire some of the big name rock lyricists of our time. Some of them started as singers and later shifted their attention to songwriting; others started out as songwriters and stuck to their craft.

Kiyanu Kim Songwriting
Song Writer

Kiyanu Kim | I believe you have been asking the question of how to become a rock songwriter. Actually, becoming a songwriter is not as difficult as making future plans for your life. It is no different from when you decided to sing and chose not to dance or doing both. So it is about decision. Is it mere decision? No! Decision about where your interests are taking you.

Kiyanu Kim | The question of how to become a rock songwriter could be answered well when you consider the following questions. Do you have interest in writing rock songs? Do you dream yourself as becoming a sought-after rock lyricist? Can you convert the feelings of people into words? If you answer yes to these questions then it means you might have the inspiration, skill and the drive to churn out quality rock lyrics and also answer the question of how to become a song writer.

Kiyanu Kim | In answering the how to become a rock songwriter question, you need to be aware of the audience you are writing your songs for. The audience should be able to relate to the song and catch the feel the lyrics convey. One may ask, “What is the main role the song writer plays?” Like every writer he tells a story with the song. But the story has to be simple and catchy.

Kiyanu Kim | The songwriter does not only compose stories. He actually has a 4-dimensional role: lyric writer – writing the words, melody writer – choosing the right musical notes to match the lyrics, chord writer – giving the right accompaniment to the melody, and lead sheet writer – thus combining rhythm and speech and ad libs to the whole music.

Kiyanu Kim | So, now you know how to become a rock songwriter. The life of a song writer is very interesting especially for the fact that music is a never ending fad. Your will continue to attract a huge audience as long as you create catchy lyrics that linger in their minds.

Kiyanu Kim | How to Play Piano – Big Mistakes Beginners Make

Kiyanu Kim is an award-Winning Songwriter and Producer at Sony/ATV. He is a driven music creator. Kiyanu Kim is building a name for himself as a writer, collaborator and musician, and gradually accruing a reputation for relaxed collaboration and a style of playing that is distinctive, but that lends itself to a variety of musical genres.

Yes, people make mistakes. It is in our nature and the best measure against mistakes is knowing about them and preventing them from happening. Through knowledge, mistakes can be avoided. A few common mistakes that people make as beginners when they first start learning how to play piano are:

– Buying the wrong piano

People buy cheap pianos that are under $200 dollars and wonder why it doesn’t sound right. The keys on the piano probably don’t feel the right weight and the sounds that it makes will probably be a bit wrong. There is a reason why pianos cost so much. They are a very highly complicated piece of equipment.

A typical piano has 88 keys and everyone of them must play the right note it is set out to play. A cheap piano in some cases have less keys and the quality of the piano is very low. I’m not asking you to fork out tens of thousands for a piano. A piano that is above $1000 is around right. Quality comes at a price when it comes to buying pianos.

– Sitting with the wrong posture

When we play the piano, we must ensure that we are in the optimal position. The back must not be arched and we should not hunch over to play the piano. Learning how to play piano takes a long time and many hours of practise every day. Sitting down for over an hour in the wrong position can seriously stuff of your back.

We don’t want to develop a bad back while learning how to play piano so we need to remember to sit up straight. Sitting at the piano is similar to sitting at a desk in front of the computer. Your arms should rest level with the ground and you should feel comfortable.

Another thing to remember is to make sure your fingers are curved and not straight. Imagine holding an egg in the palm of your hand while you are playing. This way your fingers have a nice curve and you are playing each key with more control. Playing with curved fingers give you more control.

– Learning how to play piano with a traditional private piano teacher

Learning online is a great way to learn how to play piano. There are many online courses that are a fraction of the price that private piano teachers charge. A year of private tutoring with a piano teacher can easily cost over a thousand dollars. Online piano learning courses are usually a once off fee of under $100.

The flexibility that you have in terms of when and where you practise is so great. You just need access to the Internet and you can learn just about anywhere you want. Being able to learn at your own pace is a great advantage. There isn’t any stress in learning and you can learn as fast you want.

– Not using a metronome

As a beginner and as a piano player you must have a metronome. You use it to practise playing at the correct tempo and you use it to keep your tempo right throughout a piano piece. Using a metronome is vital to learning all about tempo. Beginners should use the metronome when playing scales to keep the tempo even.

Metronomes aren’t very expensive and most of them cost under $100. This is money well spent.

In conclusion, there a few mistakes that a lot of people make when learning how to play piano as a beginner. Now that you know some of these mistakes you can easily avoid them. Avoiding them early is vital so that your mistakes don’t haunt you early on. Remember the key to great playing piano is practise. Practise makes perfect.

Kiyanu Kim is a well recognized music creator. Offstage,he  has mixed and produced for a list of notable names and has brought music to over 30 several television programs. He’s appeared in the stages of venues like Madison Square Garden, and played large events which includes the Grammy Awards and the 2015 Sochi Olympics.