Kiyanu Kim | How to Become a Rock Songwriter

Kiyanu Kim | I certainly believe that you admire some of the big name rock lyricists of our time. Some of them started as singers and later shifted their attention to songwriting; others started out as songwriters and stuck to their craft.

Kiyanu Kim Songwriting
Song Writer

Kiyanu Kim | I believe you have been asking the question of how to become a rock songwriter. Actually, becoming a songwriter is not as difficult as making future plans for your life. It is no different from when you decided to sing and chose not to dance or doing both. So it is about decision. Is it mere decision? No! Decision about where your interests are taking you.

Kiyanu Kim | The question of how to become a rock songwriter could be answered well when you consider the following questions. Do you have interest in writing rock songs? Do you dream yourself as becoming a sought-after rock lyricist? Can you convert the feelings of people into words? If you answer yes to these questions then it means you might have the inspiration, skill and the drive to churn out quality rock lyrics and also answer the question of how to become a song writer.

Kiyanu Kim | In answering the how to become a rock songwriter question, you need to be aware of the audience you are writing your songs for. The audience should be able to relate to the song and catch the feel the lyrics convey. One may ask, “What is the main role the song writer plays?” Like every writer he tells a story with the song. But the story has to be simple and catchy.

Kiyanu Kim | The songwriter does not only compose stories. He actually has a 4-dimensional role: lyric writer – writing the words, melody writer – choosing the right musical notes to match the lyrics, chord writer – giving the right accompaniment to the melody, and lead sheet writer – thus combining rhythm and speech and ad libs to the whole music.

Kiyanu Kim | So, now you know how to become a rock songwriter. The life of a song writer is very interesting especially for the fact that music is a never ending fad. Your will continue to attract a huge audience as long as you create catchy lyrics that linger in their minds.

Kiyanu Kim | How to Play Piano Easy – 4 Ways

Kiyanu Kim is widely recognized as both a performing artist, composer and producer who has worked with an impressively versatile roster of clients, Kiyanu Kim’s passion for music began when he was encouraged by his mother to take up guitar at a young age.

Finding a way to learn to play piano easy is a dream of millions of people. This is not surprising considering how moving and inspiring this musical instrument can be. It is uniquely different from any other classical instruments. The piano’s beautiful and enthralling sound, whether played alone or if played with other instruments is extremely popular.

In learning how to play the piano, one must be aware of their natural skills. Additionally, one must also figure out what they truly want to obtain from this experience. Whatever your needs there are numerous piano-education programs. In doing so, the person will know which method is most appropriate for them. These different methods including software or instructional books or taking traditional lessons.

There are several factors that can help a person succeed in learning how to play the piano. How fast and easy a person can learn would depend on their commitment and the allotted time for practice. Also, one would need to answer these questions: What does the individual want to play? Would it be a jazz composition or a highly stimulating Chopin scherzo? Does the individual favor playing solo or with a group? Are you wanting to learn to play the piano so that you can accompany yourself as you sing? You need to ask yourself some questions before you can determine which direction you are going to use when you learn to play the piano.

Additionally, a person should be familiar with their learning style. A good way to figure this out is to answer these questions: Does the person work better by themselves? Are they able to utilize tools found online or is using a computer enough? Is a one-on-one lesson with a teacher more productive? Or maybe the individual works better in a group setting with a credible group instructor.

You must also consider how much time you are willing to commit to since consistent practice is your biggest factor to make progress. Determining how much to invest is really the first step when you decide to learn to play piano.

How to Play Piano Easy and Quickly with Private Lessons

Taking private piano lessons is probably the most common way that people can learn to play. Keep in mind that in acquiring the services of a piano teacher, one must note his or her rules and their schedules. Also, ask how much they charge and their educational attainment in music. It is also wise to ask for references.

How to Play Piano Easy and Quickly with Group Lessons

Most schools and universities tend to teach piano in a group setting. The readily developed skills that can be expected here include proficiency in listening and a flair for rhythm. Moreover, students value musical cooperation while being able to consistently stay with the group’s beat. Studies also show that those who are a part of group sessions tend to motivate others and inspire them to do better. It is also a good place to form friendships and learn from one another. You will find that the majority of instructors have extensive knowledge in musical software and technology which is extremely helpful to students.

How to Play Piano Easy and Quickly Using Online Instructions

Technology has definitely come a long way in helping people in various ways. For those interested in taking lessons online, it is both convenient and more cost-effective. Most online lessons are targeted for beginners which offer sample lessons along with the credentials of the instructor. If one wishes to acquire the services of these sites, it usually comes in a “package” of lessons which normally includes method books which one needs to purchase along with the instructor’s music.

How to Play Piano Easy and Quickly Using Instructional Books

Majority of instructional books offers MIDI-accompaniment software on MIDI song disks. A great way to learn rhythm and expression is by listening. This method is ideal for those who would like to learn on their own or those who wish to enhance their knowledge on how to play the piano. These types of books tend to guide the individual through a logical progression of musical principles and skills especially in their first years.


Kiyanu Kim | How to Play Piano – Learn Online

Kiyanu Kim is an award-Winning Songwriter and Producer at Sony/ATV. He is a driven music creator. Kiyanu Kim is building a name for himself as a writer, collaborator and musician, and gradually accruing a reputation for relaxed collaboration and a style of playing that is distinctive, but that lends itself to a variety of musical genres.

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How to Play Piano?


Learning how to play the piano online is in my view a better way of learning how to play the piano. Many people decide that they want to learn how to play piano in the spur of the moment. They buy themselves a very nice piano and don’t know how on earth they are going to learn how to play it.

The common problem that many first time piano players face is wondering where to start once they have a piano. The first things that you should decide is how you are going to learn to play the piano. You need to decide where you want to learn to play. Do you want to learn how to play piano in the comfort of your own home? Do you want to learn at a friend’s place? Is learning from a piano teacher an option? A big question that you must answer for yourself is whether or not you want to learn how to play piano online or offline.

Traditional teachings of playing the piano is all offline. Offline learning normally involves travelling to your pianos teacher’s house and learning how to play piano over there. In most cases, your piano will be very different from the one you are practising on at your piano teacher’s place. Piano lessons can cost anywhere from ten dollars for just an half hour to a lot more. In some cases it costs thirty dollars for an half hour of practise.

Learning to play the piano offline using traditional methods can cost a lot more than just the tutorial costs. The lessons will cost you a lot more because you have to factor in travelling time and other costs. In most cases, you won’t have twenty four hour access to your piano teacher and you won’t normally get advice when he or she isn’t around to help. One of the main disadvantages of traditional learning methods is that the piano teacher can’t always be there for you. This is one of online learning’s strong points.

Online learning how to play piano fairs better than offline traditional methods because you can get help and access help twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Online learning how to play piano usually involves a once off fee that is essentially the cost of one lesson with a real life teacher. The great thing about online learning is that you can learn in your own time and at your own pace. There is no stress and you get to learn stress free. You are able to revise things over and over again and access the learning anytime you want.

These days, the online learning material for how to play piano involves many hours of video and you get to download and view the material directly on your computer. These videos can be played back over and over again and are a powerful way of learning.

The cost of putting material online is very minimal and is much cheaper than printing out loads of documents on paper. The videos that online learning how to play piano courses offer are of very high quality and provide you with visual information that can in most cases speed up the learning process. You can also listen to the audio and practise as long as you want.

Kiyanu Kim | How to Play Piano – Very Basics

kiyanu kim
Kiyanu Kim

Kiyanu Kim is an all around perceived music maker. Offstage,he has blended and delivered for a rundown of remarkable names and has brought music to more than 30 a few TV programs. He’s showed up in the phases of scenes like Madison Square Garden, and played substantial occasions which incorporates the Grammy Awards and the 2015 Sochi Olympics.

So you are one of those that want to learn how to play piano. Where do we start? Obviously we should start from the very basics and work our way to the more advanced piano skills from there.

Okay, you have your piano right in front of you, the first thing to do is to sit down on the piano seat correctly. You will need to position the piano seat so that it lies directly in the middle and in front of the piano. Make sure it is lined up in the middle of all the keys. Sitting properly on the piano seat is very important. You must not slouch and you must always try to sit up straight.

A very important part of beginning to play the piano is your posture. You do not want to develop a bad posture while playing the piano. Similar to sitting in front of a computer for many hours, you might find that your back doesn’t feel too well. To avoid this problem you must take plenty of breaks when learning how to play piano. Stretch out your back and when sitting back down remember to sit up straight.

When sitting in front of the piano we need to have our elbows roughly by our sides and our arms should extend out so that they lay on the piano keyboard naturally. You should imagine yourself holding an orange in the palm of your hands. The position that you are sitting in should be very similar to sitting at a desk in front of the computer typing on a keyboard. I can not stress enough how important it is to have your posture correct when playing the piano. You do not want to develop a bad back while learning how to play the piano.

When playing the learning how to play piano for the very first time, relax your shoulders and try pressing a few keys on the piano. Listen to the different sounds that the keys on the piano make. Different keys on the piano play different notes. Notes on the piano go from A all the way up to G. The combination of all these notes from A to G is called an Octave. You will notice that these Octaves repeat up and down the piano.

The piano keyboard has both black and white keys. The black keys are the sharps and flats which you will learn later on and the white keys are just the normal version of the notes. Learn the positions of where the different notes are. A piano key that you should first locate on your piano is middle C. You can usually find middle C in the center of your piano. It is the white key that is normally located dead center. There should be two black keys close together on its right and three black keys close together on its left.

Spend as long as you want getting accustomed to where different notes are. After a bit of practise you should be able to tell which note you hit just by listening to the sound it makes. Learning how to play piano takes a lot of time and don’t feel that you have to rush into things. Learn how to play piano in tiny little steps. Start off small with playing scales and then move on to chords and eventually start to play small pieces.