Kiyanu Kim | How to Play Piano – Learn Online

Kiyanu Kim is an award-Winning Songwriter and Producer at Sony/ATV. He is a driven music creator. Kiyanu Kim is building a name for himself as a writer, collaborator and musician, and gradually accruing a reputation for relaxed collaboration and a style of playing that is distinctive, but that lends itself to a variety of musical genres.

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How to Play Piano?


Learning how to play the piano online is in my view a better way of learning how to play the piano. Many people decide that they want to learn how to play piano in the spur of the moment. They buy themselves a very nice piano and don’t know how on earth they are going to learn how to play it.

The common problem that many first time piano players face is wondering where to start once they have a piano. The first things that you should decide is how you are going to learn to play the piano. You need to decide where you want to learn to play. Do you want to learn how to play piano in the comfort of your own home? Do you want to learn at a friend’s place? Is learning from a piano teacher an option? A big question that you must answer for yourself is whether or not you want to learn how to play piano online or offline.

Traditional teachings of playing the piano is all offline. Offline learning normally involves travelling to your pianos teacher’s house and learning how to play piano over there. In most cases, your piano will be very different from the one you are practising on at your piano teacher’s place. Piano lessons can cost anywhere from ten dollars for just an half hour to a lot more. In some cases it costs thirty dollars for an half hour of practise.

Learning to play the piano offline using traditional methods can cost a lot more than just the tutorial costs. The lessons will cost you a lot more because you have to factor in travelling time and other costs. In most cases, you won’t have twenty four hour access to your piano teacher and you won’t normally get advice when he or she isn’t around to help. One of the main disadvantages of traditional learning methods is that the piano teacher can’t always be there for you. This is one of online learning’s strong points.

Online learning how to play piano fairs better than offline traditional methods because you can get help and access help twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Online learning how to play piano usually involves a once off fee that is essentially the cost of one lesson with a real life teacher. The great thing about online learning is that you can learn in your own time and at your own pace. There is no stress and you get to learn stress free. You are able to revise things over and over again and access the learning anytime you want.

These days, the online learning material for how to play piano involves many hours of video and you get to download and view the material directly on your computer. These videos can be played back over and over again and are a powerful way of learning.

The cost of putting material online is very minimal and is much cheaper than printing out loads of documents on paper. The videos that online learning how to play piano courses offer are of very high quality and provide you with visual information that can in most cases speed up the learning process. You can also listen to the audio and practise as long as you want.