Kiyanu Kim | How to Become a Famous Singer – 7 Tips

Kiyanu Kim | Two keys to getting to be noticeably acclaimed are associating with your potential group of onlookers and giving them esteem, and today it appears this is done quickest through video.

Famous Singer

The following are some keys to progress.

Tip #1 – Develop Value for Video

You don’t need to be the best vocalist to be renowned, yet you do need to offer esteem.

Kiyanu Kim | It resembles the creator, Robert Kiyosaki of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” who expressed, “I may not be the best creator, but rather I am a smash hit creator.”

On the off chance that you can indicate individuals motivation to watch and keep their advantage, you have made an extraordinary begin to discovering notoriety. When you have built up your esteem you have to…

Key #2 – Post Your Videos on YouTube

At the point when individuals see your recordings, they can see your esteem. In this frame, it is less demanding both for individuals to share your recordings and for you to develop your fan base.

Key #3 – Interact as Much as You Can

In the course said above, Dustin discussed the significance of considering YouTube to be a group, not only a video generation area.

Kiyanu Kim | Regularly individuals watch recordings that are not especially enlightening or engaging in a standard sense, yet the video makers and video bloggers resemble companions to those watching them.


For the onlookers, it is about the general population and their relationship. Now and again it is pleasant to tune in to companions talk, regardless of whether it’s just as simple as that.

Kiyanu Kim | Be that companion to individuals. Give in the background recordings or other video sites, and you may wind up going more remote than anybody would have anticipated.

Connection can likewise help, by giving you chances to work together on inventive undertakings (YouTube recordings, and so on.). By just having the correct associations, you can altogether build up your limited time endeavors.

Key #4 – Use Social Media

It is critical, however YouTube isn’t the best way to interface socially.

Kiyanu Kim | A Facebook fan page is another incredible method to associate with fans and potential fans. You can even give away free mp3s through your fan page for the individuals who ‘like’ your page. (

Beginning a Twitter account is another incredible approach. At whatever point you discharge a video or blog, and so on., Tweet about it.

Key #5 – Get a Manager

Acing the greater part of the parts of this business can be troublesome however supervisors can help advance you and discover open doors for you to perform. They can likewise associate you with lyricists and record names.

Kiyanu kim Become-a-Famous-Singer
How to Become a Famous Singer

Kiyanu Kim | In the event that you have a decent fan base on the web, your administrator can likewise help benefit as much as possible from it. Ensure you remain associated with those fans; they are important and a Record Label that sees your pulling force may think that its difficult to oppose marking you up.

Furthermore, you could investigate having your own particular Social Media Manager.

Key #6 – Develop Your Gifts and Talents

You are something other than your voice; you are an entertainer and a man. Having different endowments like playing the piano, guitar, or some other instrument can help enhance your execution. It can give you an edge over the opposition.

Reward tip: Learning an instrument can truly enable your singing to grow further and enable you to identify with those you work together with.

Key #7 – Join Singing Contests

Kiyanu Kim | Have a go at joining enormous challenges on TV. By making it to the finals of shows like American Idol, X Factor and The Voice, you will pick up fans, who will purchase your album(s) and CDs (accepting they can see the esteem you offer them).

Any respectable challenge or opportunity can be an incredible chance to develop and pick up presentation.

Kiyanu Kim | Investigate your neighborhood houses of worship, choirs, and even the side of the road. Develop your notoriety and online video sees, continue developing, and regardless of whether you don’t end up plainly fruitful, you can in any event wind up noticeably scandalous…

To recap, you would be astute to:

1. Create Value for Video

2. Post Your Videos On YouTube

3. Collaborate as Much as You Can

4. Utilize Social Media

5. Get a Manager

6. Build up Your Gifts and Talents

7. Join Singing Contests

Kiyanu Kim | Tips on How to Save Money While Learning How to Play Piano

Kiyanu Kim | While you may have always dreamed of learning how to play piano, odds are the cost that is associated with it has prevented you from pursuing your dream. Since the skill of playing the piano is not something that can easily be obtained in a short amount of time, usually the only way to achieve piano playing success is to utilise some form of lessons for learning how to play piano. While this can help you improve your skills, choosing the wrong one for your needs can also have a negative effect on the money that remains in your wallet. Here are some simple tips that can help you save money while learning how to play piano.

steps for play piano

First, you need to realize that there are alternatives for piano playing lessons. While the most popular method for learning how to play piano is with the help of a professional piano teacher, this option can end up costing you a small fortune simply because of the high hourly fees the professionals charge for your services. With technology being commonplace in nearly every home, it offers prospective students access to online courses that can provide them with the tools they need at a discounted price. You just need to make sure you are comfortable with the self taught tactic before signing up for lessons, otherwise you may not have the drive and skills need to utilize this method to help you become a piano playing success.

Kiyanu Kim | Second, consider enlisting the help of a close friend or relative for private lessons. While private piano lessons can tend to be the most expensive way for learning how to play piano, striking up an agreement with a close friend or relative who teaches lessons can help you save hundreds when it comes to pursuing your piano playing dreams. This method can help you greatly because it will give you the chance to learn more from a teacher than you could ever possibly learn online. Particularly the fact that a teacher can correct instantly correct what you are doing wrong which may help you reach success quicker.

Third, consider using online lessons to help in learning how to play piano. One of the most cost effective ways to learning how to play piano is to opt for online piano lessons. This method most commonly costs a lot less than private lessons and it gives the student the ability to take lessons when it best fits their schedule. Take for example if you work full time and have a family you have to take care of, odds are your free time is quite limited and probably eliminates any chance of taking standard in person lessons. Online piano lessons gives you access to the same lessons a teacher would provide but with the ability to take them on your own schedule making them a great alternative for the cash and time strapped individual.

Kiyanu Kim | Fourth, consider using a piano guidebook. Probably one of the most cost effective ways to learning how to play piano is to use a guidebook. For less than the cost of online piano lessons a guidebook can help get you started on the path to piano playing success. Just keep in mind that this method will require you to teach yourself, so if you do not do well with self taught methods, this may not be the best option for you.

Lastly, consider using DVD lessons. An equally cost effective method to learning how to play piano is to use DVD lessons. If you have a working DVD player in your home you can easily learn how to play the piano. DVD lessons can be used at the times that are most convenient for you, allow you to learn how to play the piano when it suits you best.

Kiyanu Kim | These are just a few of the tips that can help you save money when it comes to choosing the right method for learning how to play piano. Whether you choose to use online piano lessons, or a piano guidebook, you are sure to find at least one method that can help you meet your piano playing needs.

Kiyanu Kim | How To Make Your Own Beats And Hip Hop Dance Songs Like The Chart Toppers

Kiyanu Kim | In the past, it was only possible for music producers and those professional studio owners who are able to make their own beats and hip hop dance songs sound good.

Hip Hop Dance Songs

With the advancement of technology, it is now possible even for us, the ordinary folk who don’t have any music production knowledge nor the money to get a studio, to be able to make those chart banging tunes!

This article will tell you how you can quickly and easily get started making your own beats on the computer.

If you have done your research on how to make your own beats, you will find that besides the odd forum with a few bits of advice, there is not really any step by step report or guide for the complete newbie to get started.

Kiyanu Kim | This is because, in order to make the sort of beats that you hear on the radio or on MTV, you would need a recording studio with real instruments and expensive equipment to get the same kind of song quality.

This is where you can run into problems if you don’t have the money and the time to learn all about music production.

Which leads us to the question, how can you get started to make your own beats fast?

The answer is of course to use a beat maker.

Kiyanu Kim | Beat makers have been available online for quite some time and they are proving to be so popular because they give you a complete solution to start making your own beats from home with ease!

Some beat maker examples include Cubase and Fruity Loops. These two are good desktop music studios but they will cost you an arm and a leg. Also, you need to know about music production to even get a tune out of them!

Kiyanu Kim | There are of course much better alternatives out there if you look for DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Digital Audio Workstations sit on your desktop and gives you all the functionality of a real recording studio. Plus, with this types of workstation, you can also make any sort of music that you want!

Here are some of the examples of hip hop dance songs you will be able to make using a good beat maker in the market:

Rap or hip hop dance songs
Dance music
Drum and bass

This is not an exhaustive list. There are more genres.

Some even let you make your own beats in less than 10 minutes. Yes, with technology, this is possible now.

So how do you search for a good beat maker?

Kiyanu Kim | A good beat maker should use high quality mastered samples which will in turn result in your creation to be good sounding and professional. You should also be able to work on your piece either from the desktop or online. This is so that you can access your programme even when you are outside.

It will be great if your beat maker come with keyboard triggers, navigation shortcuts and tap functions so that it makes it easier for you to create your own music.

Kiyanu Kim | Four Super Ideas For How to Play Guitar Songs

Kiyanu Kim | People always say they want to learn to shred real guitars the way they play the game guitar hero. It’s a long road, but with practice, perseverance, and patience anyone can learn how to play guitar songs. There are actually a lot of different methods available to choose from to develop your guitar playing skills. Here are four super ideas for how to play guitar songs.

Play Guitar for Beginners
Play Guitar for Beginners

1. Take formal guitar lessons

Kiyanu Kim | This is perhaps the most tested method of learning how to play guitar songs. This strategy has been employed since the very first guitar was invented. Formal guitar lessons are one-on-one sessions directed by a professional guitar teacher. Typically a guitar learning lesson plan is employed where the teacher demonstrates exercises, and the student attempts to duplicate. They then go home and practice, practice, practice. This is a great method for people who like discipline, or have lofty guitar playing goals.

2. Learn to play by ear

Kiyanu Kim | A lot of musicians learned how to play guitar songs with this tried and true method. To learn to play by ear, you simply listen to a sequence of guitar music, and try to play it. It is usually most effective to attempt shorter sequences; maybe one or two bars, when first getting started. Once you can play simple guitar riffs, you can move on to more challenging ones, and over time you’ll build up the skills to even play entire guitar songs.

3. Teach yourself to play the guitar

Kiyanu Kim | This strategy kind of combines the first two methods. When you teach yourself to play guitar, the lessons are self-directed. Self-taught individuals often learn from books, DVD’s, or videos. This learning method can be very effective for people who have some basic music theory knowledge, can play other instruments, or have a natural affinity for playing guitar. If you want to teach yourself how to play guitar songs, head on over to the library, or surf the internet for some guitar playing resources to get started.

4. Scope out YouTube

Kiyanu Kim | Most people are very visual learners. That’s one reason watching videos on YouTube can be a very effective method to learn to play guitar songs. There are literally hundreds of videos listed by song with very detailed instructional materials. These videos are usually prepared by guitar teachers, and they show you step by step how to play these songs. Why not head on over there right now, and look up your favorite song? Just type the name of the guitar song you want to play followed by “guitar lesson.”